
We Are Moving (VIRTUALLY)

Hi readers, for all of you, new and old I just want to let you in on some new information. The good news is Toddler Café the book is sold out! (no bad news here)  The Toddler Café Blog is moving, the new blog,  Playful Pantry will essentially be the same.  I have moved over all the original posts from here so you wont miss a beat, all my old post are coming with me.  The premise of the new blog is creativity, this has always been my focus but my ideas will expand a bit to include food for kids and grow ups too!  I will be working on new projects, and will keep you updated as they begin.  The new blog Playful Pantry will be just as fun and will also include great tips, fun and different ideas to help you in the kitchen.
Pleas make sure you go over to Playful Pantry and sign up for my email alerts and RRS feed.  I value your readership and hope to see you over at Playful Pantry soon. It's easy to follow my new blog, just head over there and sign up for my e mail subcription, and invite your friends too!
Also don't forget to follow me on my Chef Jen Facebook page and Twitter for all my updates!

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Eating Your Veggies

Cute Little video for kids who may not be hip to eating their veggies!! Start the New Year off right, get some veggies and sing!

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